・Free practice
Multiplication : 7 digits x 7 digits
Division : ÷ 7 digits = 7 digits
Sums : 1-digit to 10-digit 10-unit
You can challenge yourself with problems.
・Remix 5
Creation of your own personalized routines according to your level
It only takes a minute or two, so you can do it quickly and easily in your spare time!
Dictation of Sums. It reads off numbers, so you sum up all.
You can practice 1 to 15 digits numbers.
○Flash Anzan
Flash Anzan is a competition to add up the numbers displayed as they appear.
・Free practice
Practice in 0.01 second increments.
Difficulty adjustment based on fingering frequency.
Percentage of time to light a problem can also be adjusted!
Retry function is also available!
・Remix 5
Creation of your own personalized routines according to your level
It only takes a minute or two, so you can do it quickly and easily in your spare time!
Reads out "Yo-i Hajime" before measurement.
Any words can be read out during measurement.